About Us

Gifts of Life Ministries
Mission Statement

We are establishing a Christ-centered church for the holistic care of the people of the world in a way that provides a people inclusive environment conducive to praise, worship, and spiritual growth. This church will promote the uncompromised word of God in the feeding of the hungry, healing and deliverance of the sick and oppressed, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, visiting the prison-bound, educating the unlearned, and loving the unloved. We will also support other ministries and organizations sharing our mission so that communities of believers are formed and transformed by the renewing of hearts and minds to the good and acceptable will of God.

Gifts of Life Ministerial Staff

Rev. Andre E. Johnson, PhD.-Senior Pastor

Rev. Alma Brown, Associate Pastor
Associate Pastors

Rev. Larry Graham

Rev. Rochester Neely

Rev. Eric Jackson

Rev. Chaplain Alma Harris

Rev. Linda Parham

Rev. Lucian Hill
Associate Ministers

Minister Bessie Christian

Minister Bernestine Sanders

Minister Carrol Seldon

Minister Margaret Heidelberg

Minister April Jackson

Deacon Ministry

Deacon Korey Sanders

Deacon Kimberley Travers

Deacon CaSandra Hall

Travis Garrett-(Deacon in training)

Ministries of Gifts of Life

Audio Visual
Min. April Jackson

Rev. Eric Jackson

Doulos Ministry (Care&Concern)
Helen Neely

Soup and Sandwich Ministry
Ivory B. Bryant

G.O.L.D. Ministry-(Gifts of Life Dancers)

CaSandra Hall

Helps Ministry

Rev. Alma Brown

Visitation Ministry


Love Ministry

Min. Bernestine Sanders

Men's Ministry

Rev. Rochester Neely

Mother's Ministry

Mother Inez Stevenson

Mother Venora Travers

Music Ministry

Joann Gunther

Denita Bledsoe

Nursing Home Ministry

Rev. Larry Graham

Power Hour Ministry
Dean Dorothy Hill

Prison Ministry

Rev. Alma Harris

Scholarship Ministry

Deacon Kimberley Travers-Chair

Ivory Bryant

Rev. Alma Brown
Min. Carrol Seldon

Social Justice and Public Advocacy Ministry-(SJPA)
Rev. Dr. Andre E. Johnson-Chair

First Lady Lisa Jones Johnson

Ivory B. Bryant

Rev. Linda Parham

Stephanie Kneeland

Social Media Ministry

Trella Thomas

Soup & Sandwich Ministry

Ivory B. Bryant

S.U.G.A.H. Ministry-(Sisters Under God's Anointed Hands)

Rev. Alma Brown

Usher's Ministry
First Lady Lisa Johnson

Young Masters Basketball Team Ministry


Youth/-Fusion Ministry


Children's Church

Catrina Travers-Chair

Ophelia Wilson

Stephanie Kneeland