GLife Sermons: 2017

To listen to any of the sermons, just click on the link

*All sermons are by Rev. Dr. Andre E. Johnson and given at Gifts of Life Ministries unless otherwise noted. If you find this a blessing to you, please, if you are able, make a donation to our ministry with paypal here and with Cash App at $GLife0302


December 2017

December 24th 

(Luke 1:26-38-46b-55): There's Something About Mary

December 17th 

(John 1:6-8; 19-28): What is Your Call

December 10th 

(I Chronicles 12:1-2, 14-22): The Battle is Not Yours (Delivered at Mt. Moriah East Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee)

December 3rd 

(Mark 13:24-37): It's Closer Than You Think

November 2017

November 26th 

(Matthew 25:31-46): How to Go Straight to Hell

November 12th 

(Joshua (24:1-3a-14-25): As For Me and My House

November 5th 

(Galatians 1:11-24): God is Not Through With You Yet

October 2017

October 22nd 

(Exodus 33:12-23): Backside Blessings

October 15th

(Exodus 32:1-14): Don't Hurt 'Em

October 8th 

(Philippians 3:4b-14): Press On

October 1st 

(Philippians 2:1-13)
Developing the Mind of Christ